Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


Welcome to the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church RCIA webpage!  I am Deacon Mark Kiblinger the coordinator of our Catholic Faith instruction.  Please take a moment and click on the video segment to the right and listen to a message from me about our instruction.  Feel free to scroll on down to learn more.


Welcome To Our

Newest Members  

May 28, 2020

(Front Row, Left to Right)

Cassie Jetton

Susan Leming

Megan Hecht

Meet the members of our

RCIA instruction team

(Left to Right)

Ken and Karen Kiefer

Mike and Vicki Kirn

Tedd and Laura Powers

Want to learn more about the Catholic Faith?

We invite you to join us for a remarkable journey!


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is not a program but a sacramental formation process particularly for those who are unbaptized and uncatechized.  It prepares you for a life of spiritual conversion.


Through the workings of the Holy Spirit, the liturgical Rites, the prayerful support of the Church community and a dedicated team of people sharing the faith, it is our hope that you will enter into a deeper union with Christ through the teachings of the Catholic Faith.  The choice to continue in faith formation is always yours.


RCIA instruction is really one rite divided into different periods as one's commitment and understanding grow. Know that throughout this entire faith formation process that you will never be asked to walk alone.  The RCIA team is there with you every step of the way.


“Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.”  Luke 6:21

Who is RCIA for?


  • Non-Baptized adults who want to be initiated as a Christian in the tradition of the Catholic Church.
  • Baptized Non-Catholic Christians who desire full Christian communion with the Catholic Church.
  • Baptized Catholics who have not received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
  • Any person who is uncatechized whether baptized or unbaptized.
  • Catholics who desire to undergo their own faith renewal.

When is RCIA held?


RCIA instruction at St. Vincent de Paul parish can begin anytime throughout the year. 


Instruction takes place on Wedmesday evenings from 6 - 7:30 in the Lower Meeting Room behind the church sanctuary.   If this is an issue with your schedule, please contact Deacon Mark.

The 4 Periods in RCIA instruction are as follows:





Time for asking questions and getting answers.  


The Gospel messages is presented and you decide if you want to continue.  


Time for attending Mass and joining up with the parish community.  


This is the longest period where you will receive instruction in the Catholic Faith.


4 main areas of instruction are:

- The Creed - What Catholics Believe

- Profession of Faith / The Mass.

- Life in Christ - Morality

- Prayer 



Coincides with Lent and emphasis is on purifying ourselves of sin and growing in holiness.


The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) will be received at the Easter Vigil Mass.



A period of reflection back on your journey into the Catholic Church and reflecting on receiving the sacraments of initiation.  


Worshipping at Mass together and continuing to join-up with St. Vincent de Paul parish. 



Contact Deacon Mark with any questions