How Will You do Lent 2025?
Ash Wednesday (March 5) - Easter Sunday (April 20)
Prayer ~ Fasting ~ Almsgiving
10 Ideas to boost your Prayer time this Lent
1) Ues our parish Lenten Reflection Booklet
2) Join LentPray40: The Way on the Hallow Prayer app
3) Join Best Lent Ever @
4) Start(Continue) Rosary in a Year Podcast from Ascension
5) Listen and pray using The God Minute Podcast
6) Do an onine Lenten Retreat @
7) Attend the Lenten Parish Mission (Mon Mar 31 - Wed Apr 2 - 6:30-7:30pm)
8) Attend Wednesday 3pm Divine Mercy Hour @ St. Vincent
9) Attend Daily Mass sometime during the week
10) Attend Stations of the Cross on Friday evenings
Abstinence is a penitential practice consisting of refraining from the consumption of meat and is to be observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence.
Fasting is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday for ages 18 - 59 (inclusive). The Church defines fasting as one meal a day, and two smaller meals which if added together would not exceed the main meal, as well as no eating between meals.
Note: If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of self-denial suitable to their condition.
The Stations of the Cross are images of stories about the passion and death of Jesus Christ. Most of the stories which make up the Stations were drawn from Scripture, and others, such as Saint Veronica wiping the face of Jesus, were taken from tradition. The route traditionally held to have been taken by Jesus to his death at Calvary (Golgotha) in Jerusalem is called the Via Dolorosa or the Sorrowful Way. The Stations were erected in local churches as a way of bringing this prayerful experience to those who could not travel to Jerusalem.
The staions are prayed in the church every Friday during Lent.
5:00 in Spanish & 6:15 in English
“Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel!” These are the words you hear on Ash Wednesday when the holy ashes are marked on your forehead. This ancient practice of acknowledging sin is also a great opportunity … God’s unconditional forgiveness! During these days leading up to Easter, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered at various times. Take advantage of these blessed encounters with the forgiving Father!
Weekly opportunities for Confession durign Lent:
Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
Friday 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. & 6:45 - 7:15 p.m.
Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
or by appointment - Call Parish Office at 573-335-7667.
Through a multi media presentation including Scripture, prayer, music and personal testimony, this three night Lenten Mission will remind us of the overwhelming gift of sacrificial love which Jesus gave us through the cross he bore. We will also reflect on what Jesus is asking from each of us when he says, "If anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt 16:24).
You’ll hear how Our Lord has empowered Tony Melendez with a gift of music. You’ll meet his lovely wife Lynn Melendez who works as the Director of Evangelization and Family Life for the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau. Her spirit filled smile is contagious. His brother, Jose Melendez is Tony’s manager and sound engineer, he will also be sharing during the mission. Tony has presented for the National Eucharistic Congress, has performed at twelve World Youth Days and has shared his story and music in countless retreats, conferences, and liturgies worldwide.
Tony Melendez is an internationally renowned singer and guitarist. He was born without arms and as a teenager he taught himself to play the guitar with his feet. In 1987 he was chosen to be a gift given from the youth of Los Angeles to Pope John Paul II. Pope John Paul II was so moved by Melendez that he spontaneously jumped into the audience and commissioned Melendez with a kiss that was to be seen around the world. Saying: “My wish for you that you continue giving hope to others.” This televised moment catapulted Melendez to be a hope giver to the world.
Walking the Lenten Journey Together
A Booklet of Reflections on the Daily Scriptures
Ash Wednesday, March 5, to Easter Sunday, April 20
Written by St. Vincent Parishioners
Read the Scripture - Ponder the Reflections - Think & Pray - Act
Books will be available in the Gathering Space
starting on Ash Wednesday.
Brought to you by the STVDP Discipleship Committee
Daily Lenten Reflections written by St. Vincent Parishioners. These books can be found in the gathering space and by the enterances to Church.
Join us as we embark on a powerful journey of prayer.
This beautiful devotion involves continuous prayer and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for 40 hours, recalling the time Christ spent in the tomb. It is an opportunity to deepen our relationship with Jesus, offer Him our petitions, and pray for our parish and the world. Let’s prepare our hearts for this time of grace!
Begins: Sunday, March 23 @ 4:00 pm
Ends: Tuesday, March 25 @ 6:30 am
We need at least 1 person to spend time with Jesus
for each of the 40 hours.
We would love to have more than one.
Sign up, by clicking the image to the left or
by calling the Parish Office @ 573-335-7667.
“I urge you with all the strength of my soul to approach the Eucharist Table as often as possible.
Feed on this Bread of the Angels from which you will draw the strength to fight inner struggles.”
~ Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati ~
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati was a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
He is anticipated to be Cannonized by the Catholic Church late Summer of 2025.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst
for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.
During the season of Lent, the Service Committee invites the parishioners of St. Vincent to collect food and paper items for distribution to the needy. Beatitude Boxes will be filled with specific food items and Beatitude Bags will be filled with specific paper products.
Tags are posted on the bulletin board in the gathering area. Some tags will list all items in the box (approximate cost $30-$35) and all items in the bag (approximate cost $12-$15). Other tags list some of the items in the box or bag. You are invited to take one or more tags and purchase the requested items.
Return the items to the Gathering Area. Please return the items any day of hte week to the bins in the gathering space. All items need to be returned no later than April 18. Boxes and bags will then be filled and given to the needy in the local community. Thank you for your generosity!
Do you need assistance getting your donations into Chruch?
Please bring your donations to Mass with you the weekend of March 22-23.
The teens of our parish will be available to help carry your donations.
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is celebrating its 50th year of funding hunger and poverty alleviation efforts around the world. The program, which is supported by more than 12,000 Catholic parishes and schools across the United States, has raised more than $350 million since its inception.
“For half a century, CRS Rice Bowl has been a pillar of our work,” said Sean Callahan, CRS president and CEO. “It has given hope to millions of our sisters and brothers experiencing hunger. We are humbled by the generous support that Catholics across the United States have shown for CRS Rice Bowl and for their global family.”
In celebration of CRS Rice Bowl’s 50th anniversary, supporters are invited to join in prayer and reflection throughout the Season of Lent. Everyone is also invited to visit and share a Lenten prayer intention on the interactive USA map.
When you donate to CRS Rice Bowl, you are sharing your life and your abundance with the global family in need. Please return your Rice Bowl to Church on Good Friday.
Join in solidarity with the Worldwide Faith Community by sharing a meal.
Sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Men’s Association
Join us for a Catfish Dinner each Friday during Lent
from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center.
The family friendly meal includes fresh American pond raised catfish,
“Todt secret recipe cole slaw,” “Koehler famous hush puppies,”
side dishes, dessert and drink.
Tickets are $13 for adults, $7 for students. Carryouts are available.