Ministry Opportunities

Below (in alphabetical order) are the various ministries we invite you to learn more about. Everyone has the opportunity to be a part of a ministry at St. Vincent de Paul. God calls us to engage in community and service with one another, and being apart of a ministry group is the best way to do that. Feel free to find one that fits you best.


We have listed the best contact for each ministry next to the name and a short sentence or two on what they do. We encourage you to reach out to that contact to learn more. If you have any questions, please contact our Parish Staff at 573-335-7667 or





A weekly series that gives an open and safe place to learn and discuss many questions about faith, Jesus, and life.  Each week includes a dinner, video, and non judgemental discussion about the weekly topic.  More information available on our Alpha Webpage.


Keep an eye on our Aplha Webpage for information regarding our next session.


Contact | RaeAnne Protzel

Email |

Webpage |



American Heritage Girls

American Heritage Girls is a Christ-centered character and leadership development program for girls 5 to 18 years of age. AHG is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.


Contact | Mary Kohlfeld

Phone | 573-931-9353 or Email |



Art and Environment

The art and environment committee is a group of volunteers whose mission is to enhance worship by preparing  the church environment in a liturgically appropriate and beautiful manner. We maintain the environment weekly as well as for larger celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. We welcome individuals to help with creative design, sewing, ironing and other tasks related to the above. 

Contact | The Parish Office

Email | 

Phone | 573-335-7667



Bereavement Dinners

Bereavement Dinners are provided, prepared and served by the Women's Council (Council of Catholic Women) for families and friends of parishioners who have died. 


Contact | Virginia Sander

Email |



Bible Study Opportunities       

Thursday Afternoon
Contact | Anita Tygett/Mary Higgins


Tuesday Evening
Contact | Cindy Heischmidt     

Email |                                                              
Women’s Bible Study (Wednesday Morning)                                  
Contact | Rhonda Cuba        
Women’s Bible Study (Friday Morning)
Contact | Debbie Baumgart


For more info on any of these Bible Studies - please contact the 

Parish Office 573-335-7667 or



Care Portal

St. Vincent de Paul Church is now a part of CarePortal! CarePortal is a ministry set up to meet the needs of children in the area. It is an online platform in which immediate needs of children can be submitted for viewing by churches and other caring individuals who want to help. The needs are identified by child welfare professionals who can legitimately vouch for their crisis. These are real needs. Once a need is identified, an email goes out to churches that are registered with CarePortal. Church members can choose to respond and meet the need or simply pray for the children and families.


If you feel called to join this ministry, please use the online link. Once you submit your contact information, you will receive an email from a member of our steering committee who will give you further instructions on how to become actively involved. Won’t you join us? Additional information is available here. If you have more questions, contact


Contact | St. Vincent de Paul Parish CarePortal Steering Committee

Ann Schnurbusch Phone | 573-270-0137

Angie Grimm Phone | 573-382-3302

Debbie Baumgart | 573-579-6025
Lisa Seabaugh Phone | 573-450-6248

Pam Saucier | 573-837-3703




Catherine’s Cupboard

Have you wondered what the large green bins are by each church door?   They are collection points for items donated each Sunday for Birthright and area food pantries per the schedule:


First Sunday | Birthright: Baby items like diapers, sleepers, wipes, blankets, formula, etc.

Second Sunday | FISH (Friends in Service to Him) Pantry.

Third Sunday | Catholic Social Ministries Food Pantry (St. Mary’s).

Fourth Sunday | Red Star Baptist Church Pantry.


The pantries need food items like canned goods (tuna, chicken, fruit, vegetables, stews, soups, etc).  Also items like peanut butter, cereal, macaroni & cheese, nuts, etc.  As you come to church on Saturday evening or Sunday, please consider making it part of your routine to donate items to Birthright and the food pantries by placing items in the green bins. 


Contact | Carol Glueck

Email |

Phone | 573-334-8446




Children's Liturgy of the Word

Each week on Sundays at the 10 AM Mass, we have programs for kindergarten, first, and second graders. Children will be dismissed after the opening prayer to hear, discuss and reflect upon the day’s readings/gospel and return at the end of the Homily. If you prefer to accompany your child, parents are welcome to join to get your child settled.


NOTE: We do not have this ministry the weekend after Thanksgiving, the week before and after Christmas for New Year's, then the week of Easter for Spring Break.


Contact | Laura Vollink or please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Confirmation Preparation

If you are wanting to be confirmed in the Catholic faith or learn more about confirmation. We are here for you!


Contact | Send Fr. Rick Jones a message here

Email |

Call | 573-335-7667



Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

The council's members support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. CCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.

Contact | Virginia Sander

Email |




Cursillos or a Short courses of Christianity is an apostolic movement of the Roman Catholic Church. The Cursillo® Movement pursues two purposes or objectives. The immediate purpose is to provide a conduit for living what is fundamental for being a Christian, namely, the on-going and total conversion of the person. The end purpose is to vertebrae Christianity in society by means of these persons who live what is fundamental for being Christian (the love of God and neighbor) in their daily lives. Simply explained, the purpose of the Cursillo Movement is that we become the Good News, and that our actions naturally turn out to be evangelical in our daily lives.

Contact |  

Email |  

Facebook Page

Website Info


Divine Mercy Holy Hour
Contact | Sandra Murphy 


Please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at


First Friday Adoration
Contact | Marcie Sullivan


Please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Finance Council

This is a distinct council assisting in the practical duties we have as an organization. This council assists the Pastor in his duties as parish administrator. This group is are a great way to offer your time and talent to the parish if finances, economics, accounting is an interest and talen of yours. 


Current Members include | Del Elfrink, Gene Huering, Larry Berkbuegler, Jeff Unterreiner

Neal Tanner, Pat Brase, Steve Slaten, Cheryl Oberhaus, CPA, Fr. Rick Jones, Fr. Brian Straus


Contact | Parish Office 573-335-7667 or



Healing Prayer Ministry

We have a Community Prayer Group on Facebook. You are welcome to join and you can find our about special intentions throughtout the week.

Contact | Pam Saucier


Please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Salad for the Fathers

A Ministry Opportunity Each Tuesday Food for the Fathers, a parish ministry, will supply a salad meal for three priests. You will need to enter your email address but will NOT need to register an account on Sample meals are listed. If you don’t like the choices, change your selection to include an entrée and two side dishes (no desserts, please!).


Choose the date you would like to provide the meal. will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Then, on the date chosen, deliver the meal between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. to the rectory.


Contact | If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please sign up here. If you prefer not to sign up online or have questions, please send Beverely McMeel a message here or call her in the Parish Office 573-335-7667 and she can sign you up.




Food Pantry Volunteers (St. Mary's Pantry)

St. Vincent's is looking for volunteers for the 2nd Friday & Saturday of every month to help at the St. Mary's Food Pantry. Click the link below if you wish to sign-up for Friday/Saturday volunteering. This is a great way to volunteer with your children or your entire family.


Sign-up here


Schedule | Friday: 3:45-5:00 PM to help unload the truck / Saturday: 8:30-11:30 AM to help with the food pick-ups.


Location | The Food Pantry is located across the street from St. Mary's Cathedral.

Address: 134 S. Sprigg Street in Cape Girardeau


Contact | Send Mike Himmelberg a message here or email him directly at or give him a call at 573-225-1037.




Harvesting Our Tears

Is a grief support peer program which offers information about the grief process and gives an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.


Contact | Cindy Heischmidt at 573-275-4617 or 



Home and School Association

This organization composed of parents, grandparents, and other parishioners who provide support to St. Vincent de Paul School.  This group supports and coordinates events like the annual Dinner Auction, trivia night, teacher appreciation days, and book fairs.  It is composed of people who desire to bring about the best opportunities for our school. As another school year is about to begin, please consider volunteering time to the Home and School Association. 


Contact | Stacey Hicks at



Hospital Visitation

If you or a loved one is admitted to the hospital and would like a visit from a priest, please call the parish office at 573-335-7667. Indicate Catholic as your religion and Member of St. Vincent on hospital admittance forms. If you know you will undergo surgery, you are invited to contact Father Rick or Father Alexander to be anointed beforehand.


Contact | Please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Knights of Columbus Council #11205

The Knights of Columbus was founded in 1882 and is the largest Catholic men’s organization.  Originally it was founded to render financial aid to members and their families.  However, our mission includes serving others by helping those in need, defending the Catholic Faith, and supporting Catholic education. The Knights of Columbus Council #11205 marked our 25th anniversary as a council in January, 2019.


Contact | Grand Knight Tim Davis at or leave a message in the parish office and a member Knight will contact you.   



Little People’s Church
Each week on Sundays at the 10 AM Mass, we have programs for children ages 3-5. Children will be dismissed after the opening prayer to hear, discuss and reflect upon the day’s readings/gospel and return at the end of the Homily. If you prefer to accompany your child, parents are welcome to join to get your child settled.


NOTE: We do not have this ministry the weekend after Thanksgiving, the week before and after Christmas for New Year's, then the week of Easter for Spring Break.


Contact | Laura Vollink or please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Maxine's Shareable Wearables

Maxine’s Shareable Wearables offers free clothing to those in need.  It is open Thursday and Saturday mornings for people with referrals to get clothing.  Maxine’s clothing is located in the old convent north of the DePaul Center building.  You can help in two ways:  First, by donating your new or gently used clothing and, secondly, by volunteering your time to help sort the donated clothing and assist clients. 


Contact | Jennifer Coad - Please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Men's Association

The St Vincent de Paul Men’s Association is open to all men of the parish 18 or older.  The men meet at various times throughout the year to promote fellowship, service and faith enrichment. One of the primary activities for the Men’s Association is putting on the parish Lenten fish fries each spring. Then men help with the preparation, set up, cooking and clean up for each Lenten fish fry. Contributions from the fish fries go towards parish Christian service efforts, supporting the school, and other local service groups.


Contact | Trent Summers at or please contact the Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Nursing Home Masses

One of our priests celebrates Mass at one of six care facilities on a weekly basis. 


First Wednesday | Mass is celebrated at the Chateau Girardeau at 10:00 AM

Second Wednesday | Mass is celebrated at 9:00 AM at the Veteran's Home.

Third Wednesday | Mass is celebrated at 10:00 AM at Heartland Carey

Fourth Wednesday | Mass is celebrated at Capetown Assisted Living at 10:00 AM

Fifth Wednesday | Mass is celebrated at Auburn Creek at 10:00 AM.


First Thursday | Mass is celebrated at Fountainbleau Lodge at 9:30 a.m.


Contact | Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at



Parish School of Religion (PSR)

The Parish School of Religion (PSR) meets on Wednesday evenings in the Parish Center Gym from 5:45 to 7:00 p.m. for grades 1-8.  Classes typically begin on the third Wednesday of September. All children in the parish are invited to attend classes. There is no fee for materials or textbooks. Parents and other parishioners are invited to become a part of our teaching staff. All staff and volunteers must complete Virtus training and complete the annual Code of Conduct. Our program is designed to provide a foundation of the Catholic faith and sacrament preparation.


Contact | Kathy Hotop-Raines by Phone (573) 335-7667 or email You can also visit this page for more info.




Parish Pastoral Council

This is one of our parish's distinct councils to assist in the practical duties we have as an organization. The Parish Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in creating a parish vision. This group is a great way to offer your time and talent to the parish. If you feel you may enjoy this opportunity.


Current Pastoral Council Members


Bob Janota

Chris Martin

Cheryl Oberhaus (Finance Council Representative)

Deacon Mark Kiblinger

Hugh Protzel

Kevin Seabaugh

Michelle Prost

Mike Delgado

Nick Hogan


Chairperson | Stephanie Williamson

Pastor | Fr. Rick Jones

Associate Pastor | 


Contact | 

Parish Office 573-335-7667 or



Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA)


Are your interested in becoming Catholic or know someone that is. We have a dedicated page on the topic. See this page.


Contact | Deacon Mark Kiblinger at



Sacramental Prep

If you are in need of information on Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, etc. please visit this page.


Contact | Send Fr. Rick Jones a message here or email him at or call the Parish Office at (573) 335-7667




Small Groups (Faith Sharing Groups)

The Discipleship Small Groups will resume soon with new topics and materials. Please watch for a mailer with additional information. Information will also be sent in an email. Parishioners will be able to access the registration through the Parish website or through a direct link to the registration form in the email. You will have the option of staying in current groups or forming new groups. This is open to all parishioners regardless of whether you participated in the Fall sessions. Sign-up Here.


Contact | Send Jim Welker a message with any questions. 



St. Vincent de Paul Society

Helps the needy in the area by distributing funds donated by parishioners to provide emergency assistance.


Contact | Leave a message for James Bollinger at our Parish Office 573-335-7667 or




St. Gerard Circle

St. Gerard's Circle is a ministry for mothers of young children in the St. Vincent De Paul Parish. Our goal is to provide friendships and support within our parish, a Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement.  


We have a monthly meeting during the school year where we provide fellowship and a speaker that will discuss topics with us that help us grow in our spirituality, faith, motherhood, and service. Throughout the year we have other events that members can attend including book clubs, service projects, family picnics, mom's time out events, couples events, children playgroups, and much more.


Contact | Bridget Wengert

Phone | 816-805-3707

Email | 

Request to join their Facebook Group.




Ugly Quilts

Each October for more than 20 years, the Christian Service Ministry of St. Vincent Parish has participated in “Ugly Quilt Weekend.” Because of the pandemic and the safety of volunteers in large groups, Ugly Quilt Weekend will not be held this year.


The need for bedrolls remains great. Therefore, the Ugly Quilt room (in the DePaul Center) will be open on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:00 - 11:00 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help tack bedrolls. Groups are welcome. Social distancing and safety precautions will take place.


Contact | For more information, contact Kathy at 573-587-5970.




Worship Ministry (Be involved at Mass)

If you are interested in becoming invovled in weekend Liturgies, we would love to have you! If you would like to be a cantor (musician), lector (reader), Eurcharistic Minister, Server, taking up the Offertory Gifts at each of the weekend Masses, etc. 


Contact | Parish Office at 573-335-7667 and or visit this page for more details.




Vincent’s Vittles  

Vincent’s Vittles is a dinner hosted the last Saturday of every month (except December) for parishioners and those in need of a warm meal and good fellowship. Groups and/or individuals volunteer each month to prepare and serve the meal. The cost of food is included in the Christian Service budget.  The parish is in need of a coordinator or group to oversee the monthly meal.


Contact |  Parish Office 573-335-7667 or by email at




Youth Ministry (Jr. High & High School)


Contact | Tiff Brey


Website: St. Vincent Youth Ministry

Facebook page here: St. Vincent Young Apostles



If you want to be involved in the Liturgies at our Church whether as a lector, musician, server, etc. please see more details at this page and contact our Parish Office at 573-335-7667 or


If you are unsure where to begin, see the I'm New page for basic information and do not hestiate to reach out to one of our Core Value chairs to help you find a spot that fits your desires and talents.